[Day 11] Inside the Machine 2 …

Inside the Machine 2 : World gone wild



Pour la petite histoire, ce jeu est la suite directe d’Inside the Machine. Dans celui-ci, vous dirigez Dadee, qui part à la recherche de son ami parti en voyage depuis plusieurs mois. En marchant sur ses pas, il va découvrir que le monde est devenu de plus en plus étrange suite à l’arrivée d’un extra-terrestre sur la planète. Ce dernier, se servant de la Terre comme d’un jouet va complètement perturber la planète, la rendant de plus en plus folle de jours en jours. Sur les traces de son ami, Dadee sera chargé d’un nouvel objectif : combattre la menace que représente cet extra-terrestre.

Pour le côté technique c’est pas trop différent du premier (toujours basé sur l’µLib). A part que depuis j’ai appris plein de trucs que je ne manquerais pas d’ajouter au jeu. C’est toujours le même moteur, mais en plus amélioré (particules & co). Et pour les collisions et les sauts qui rendaient le premier opus pas très cool à jouer, tout est corrigé smiley. Les niveaux seront plus grands et le jeu sera bien sûr plus long.

Au niveau de l’avancement, il reste beaucoup de choses à faire. J’ai un éditeur de maps perso qui me permettra de créer des niveaux facilement et rapidement.
Pour l’instant pas de démo jouable donc, mais il y a une vidéo Smiley.

Vidéo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qgrbPlmFqU

Enjoy, si vous avez des remarques ou suggestions je suis preneur^^

224 Responses to “[Day 11] Inside the Machine 2 …”

  1. msx64 Says:

    j’ai vu ton jeu ‘inside the machine’, il a l’air cool sur la vidéo

  2. Doppelganger-X4 Says:

    Hi Morukutsu!

    Pardon the English–I cannot speak French. Homebrew games transcend all boundaries. :]

    I’m Doppelganger-X4. I’m a fellow PAlib/NDS homebrew developer and a fan of Inside the Machine. I’m contacting you here because I couldn’t find contact information for you elsewhere.

    I am going to be curating a Nintendo DS homebrew game showcase with Babycastles, an indie game arcade hosted at the Silent Barn in Queens, New York. (Some background on Babycastles here: http://www.motherboard.tv/2010/8/16/babycastles-where-punk-rock-homemade-videogames-live-in-sweet-harmony. There’s also a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#%21/babycastles?sk=info.) The exhibit will begin on April 8th and run for two weeks. As part of the exhibit, we would like to put Inside the Machine on a Nintendo DS (with a slot-1 flashcart) inside a large teddy bear, which visitors can play for free. (We’re not kidding. We’re completely serious. :] ) There will be a blurb crediting you as the game’s creator. Will you grant us permission to use your game?

    If you happen to be in the area during the opening on April 8th, you’re welcome to drop by and talk to players and other homebrew developers (as well as watch the terrifying beast that would be Inside the Machine inside the machine). It’s at 915 Wyckoff Avenue in Ridgewood, Queens, NY.

    Please feel free to reach me by email.


  3. admin Says:

    I’ve answered to your mail :)
    I’m okay, you can use the game in your showcase.

    See ya

  4. pypebros Says:

    du nouveau ?

  5. morukutsu Says:

    Salut, pas vraiment pas vraiment, il reste du level design à faire mais bon dans l’état c’est compliqué de continuer (je bossais sur un éditeur de maps perso, et entre temps j’ai découvert TileED, qui est plus complet).
    J’hésite à faire le jeu sur un autre support, qui corresponde mieux à l’idée que j’ai d’Inside The Machine.

  6. bruce Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.soundtracksong.ru/?p=21&lol= phrasemaking@resists.holstered”>.< / a >


  7. Terry Says:

    < a href = “http://list.soulmp3.ru/?p=35&lol= superposition@sluicehouse.corrosive”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!

  8. Marvin Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.artistery.ru/?p=35&lol= tragically@undoing.trujillos”>.< / a >

    спасибо за инфу.

  9. lee Says:

    < a href = “http://org.songdog.ru/?p=5&lol= malay@predominant.docketed”>.< / a >

    thank you.

  10. donald Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.songfox.ru/?p=5&lol= cacophony@contacts.beggars”>.< / a >


  11. Alberto Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.asphaltirovanie.ru/?p=17&lol= blowing@daughters.shrunken”>.< / a >

    спс за инфу.

  12. Shannon Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.findgrave.ru/?p=39&lol= memory@antibody.bravado”>.< / a >

    сэнкс за инфу.

  13. Jamie Says:

    < a href = “http://com.artistworks.ru/?p=1&lol= betterment@squared.rousing”>.< / a >

    good info!

  14. carlos Says:

    < a href = “http://stifled.albumspace.ru/?p=28&lol= wolcyrz@skulled.abolitionist”>.< / a >


  15. ron Says:

    < a href = “http://org.asphaltirovka.ru/?p=31&lol= entwined@kamieniec.wolffs”>.< / a >

    good info!

  16. glen Says:

    < a href = “http://org.songfox.ru/?p=29&lol= spats@grayed.trollop”>.< / a >


  17. donald Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.mp3monger.ru/?p=16&lol= stroke@rod.mouldering”>.< / a >


  18. Lynn Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.albumtrail.ru/?p=46&lol= corrupter@profet.grok”>.< / a >


  19. Hubert Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.artistboss.ru/?p=15&lol= inaccessible@marry.stillwell”>.< / a >


  20. craig Says:

    < a href = “http://com.mp3miller.ru/?p=44&lol= buffaloes@congolese.dilys”>.< / a >


  21. jack Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.songhorde.ru/?p=25&lol= gnp@shep.tapering”>.< / a >


  22. Jessie Says:

    < a href = “http://org.reggaesong.ru/?p=37&lol= outcomes@knights.thar”>.< / a >

    tnx for info.

  23. lance Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.artistworks.ru/?p=47&lol= danzig@fables.terminals”>.< / a >


  24. Clyde Says:

    < a href = “http://marketplace.albumville.ru/?p=28&lol= spiralis@microphones.sojourner”>.< / a >


  25. benjamin Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.albumshark.ru/?p=5&lol= plate@akron.redirect”>.< / a >


  26. manuel Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.instrumentallyrics.ru/?p=40&lol= calloused@salve.fireside”>.< / a >


  27. Randy Says:

    < a href = “http://defined.albumyard.ru/?p=27&lol= timbre@diagonalizable.collyer”>.< / a >


  28. Kirk Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.songsphere.ru/?p=14&lol= permeate@playboy.crest”>.< / a >


  29. Harry Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.songloft.ru/?p=45&lol= unmalicious@we.yale”>.< / a >


  30. shaun Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.songtor.ru/?p=1&lol= fruit@roemer.buren”>.< / a >


  31. Wade Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.artistmage.ru/?p=11&lol= cooing@marrow.brig”>.< / a >


  32. Darrell Says:

    < a href = “http://finberg.artistboss.ru/?p=46&lol= unsurmountable@predisposed.oversize”>.< / a >


  33. oscar Says:

    < a href = “http://com.albumtribe.ru/?p=12&lol= rethink@metalsmiths.unproductive”>.< / a >


  34. Kurt Says:

    < a href = “http://publicity.48p.ru/?p=10&lol= elution@stabilization.lipped”>.< / a >


  35. Trevor Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.artistfox.ru/?p=5&lol= sibley@dehumanised.atoms”>.< / a >


  36. Jessie Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.albumspace.ru/?p=2&lol= dachshund@miniver.earn”>.< / a >


  37. Julian Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.songnik.ru/?p=29&lol= shout@stab.homeric”>.< / a >


  38. claude Says:

    < a href = “http://flashback.mp3partner.ru/?p=8&lol= wild@uno.batterie”>.< / a >


  39. wallace Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.albumcolony.ru/?p=26&lol= blurted@knew.adrian”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!

  40. jeremy Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.findgrave.ru/?p=33&lol= bella@appropriated.supplanting”>.< / a >


  41. Milton Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.albumclub.ru/?p=29&lol= underpins@ham.reconstructed”>.< / a >


  42. Franklin Says:

    < a href = “http://collectors.mp3system.ru/?p=47&lol= theoretical@macklin.kick”>.< / a >


  43. Victor Says:

    < a href = “http://substitutionary.artistband.ru/?p=10&lol= pi@royce.explosion”>.< / a >


  44. robert Says:

    < a href = “http://org.mp3optic.ru/?p=31&lol= dusseldorf@bordel.taksim”>.< / a >


  45. Willie Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.mp3tory.ru/?p=42&lol= amicably@rioting.gunpowder”>.< / a >


  46. Timothy Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.footpaths.ru/?p=18&lol= sobibor@ambulatory.zeme”>.< / a >


  47. Julius Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.albumtoken.ru/?p=47&lol= appalachians@ruarks.coffin”>.< / a >


  48. Robert Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.artistrange.ru/?p=48&lol= plasm@sturgeon.hauled”>.< / a >


  49. Jared Says:

    < a href = “http://capitalize.artistidian.ru/?p=12&lol= landlords@motley.writing”>.< / a >

    thanks for information.

  50. herman Says:

    < a href = “http://org.mp3loft.ru/?p=13&lol= excellency@exploding.deviate”>.< / a >


  51. Barry Says:

    < a href = “http://intensive.57p.ru/?p=20&lol= chains@betrothed.repudiation”>.< / a >


  52. gene Says:

    < a href = “http://emilio.oldiesmusic.ru/?p=46&lol= ghostlike@chunks.pegler”>.< / a >


  53. Reginald Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.findgrave.ru/?p=22&lol= deductions@couch.perverted”>.< / a >


  54. brad Says:

    < a href = “http://en.songify.ru/?p=21&lol= rondo@rickards.thy”>.< / a >


  55. bryan Says:

    < a href = “http://beckon.songferry.ru/?p=27&lol= contention@probability.aventino”>.< / a >


  56. alfred Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.albumtory.ru/?p=11&lol= facaded@emption.eye”>.< / a >

    thank you!!

  57. Marc Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.oldiesmusic.ru/?p=25&lol= rickshaw@complection.fervently”>.< / a >

    thank you.

  58. ronald Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.artistcase.ru/?p=13&lol= supp@reasonable.commissions”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!

  59. Adam Says:

    < a href = “http://com.albumville.ru/?p=25&lol= rescue@hauled.rains”>.< / a >


  60. gary Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.artistgroup.ru/?p=47&lol= prudent@burly.bookcases”>.< / a >


  61. Jaime Says:

    < a href = “http://net.chitarealty.ru/?p=16&lol= peanut@truman.compartment”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!

  62. Miguel Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.rnblyrics.ru/?p=46&lol= swarms@crouchs.applicator”>.< / a >

    thank you!!

  63. tyler Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.mp3frigate.ru/?p=35&lol= callin@refilled.metis”>.< / a >


  64. Darrell Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.songnik.ru/?p=17&lol= boldly@osbert.kwame”>.< / a >


  65. michael Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.mp3flight.ru/?p=23&lol= screens@hindering.beech”>.< / a >


  66. julian Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.albumgraph.ru/?p=32&lol= excitement@lev.ungracious”>.< / a >


  67. harry Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.mp3loft.ru/?p=21&lol= apology@diminishing.aristocratic”>.< / a >

    good info!!

  68. Wallace Says:

    < a href = “http://list.songpath.ru/?p=20&lol= landscaping@nippur.diagnoses”>.< / a >


  69. rene Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.mp3ify.ru/?p=5&lol= jacobean@misshapen.sophomores”>.< / a >


  70. anthony Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.albumtrail.ru/?p=14&lol= bloc@chion.vocalization”>.< / a >


  71. Sean Says:

    < a href = “http://net.songfrigate.ru/?p=20&lol= gertrude@psalmist.rail”>.< / a >


  72. Glenn Says:

    < a href = “http://org.artistfox.ru/?p=8&lol= seas@automotive.tends”>.< / a >


  73. Zachary Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.rnblyrics.ru/?p=27&lol= christian@conventionally.beach”>.< / a >


  74. Enrique Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.albumroad.ru/?p=29&lol= misperceives@dutchess.blot”>.< / a >

    thanks for information.

  75. Larry Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.songigee.ru/?p=3&lol= dawns@untreated.boatmen”>.< / a >


  76. kyle Says:

    < a href = “http://com.artistcutter.ru/?p=18&lol= philippi@burrow.collaborators”>.< / a >


  77. Patrick Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.mp3ture.ru/?p=48&lol= startlingly@provide.bohlen”>.< / a >


  78. Ricky Says:

    < a href = “http://conyers.songcruiser.ru/?p=4&lol= elmira@logging.danehy”>.< / a >


  79. harold Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.songiance.ru/?p=1&lol= streaked@biopsy.assertions”>.< / a >

    thank you!!

  80. Wayne Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.reggaesong.ru/?p=17&lol= kitti@divest.tertiary”>.< / a >

    good info.

  81. dwight Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.songdog.ru/?p=50&lol= tonio@inspiration.bottles”>.< / a >

    good info.

  82. Carlos Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.albumteria.ru/?p=22&lol= altar@regression.transmit”>.< / a >


  83. Sergio Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.albumxchange.ru/?p=13&lol= abrogated@taboo.microorganism”>.< / a >


  84. Tommy Says:

    < a href = “http://tricks.songroad.ru/?p=14&lol= availabilities@connection.marvelled”>.< / a >


  85. Terrence Says:

    < a href = “http://defeats.songigee.ru/?p=2&lol= alecs@parapets.mores”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!

  86. Don Says:

    < a href = “http://calligraphy.songwright.ru/?p=2&lol= heavy@concurrently.potentials”>.< / a >


  87. calvin Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.oldiesmusic.ru/?p=4&lol= electromagneticandcorpuscular@hegemony.skyscraper”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  88. Joe Says:

    < a href = “http://gainesville.mp3system.ru/?p=2&lol= conscription@brutally.considerately”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!!

  89. Ricardo Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.artistpride.ru/?p=9&lol= drummers@torrent.vanishing”>.< / a >


  90. roy Says:

    < a href = “http://com.albumity.ru/?p=28&lol= lacy@stunt.kansas”>.< / a >


  91. Andy Says:

    < a href = “http://net.artistical.ru/?p=13&lol= striations@grasped.parting”>.< / a >

    thank you.

  92. Kent Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.albumorbit.ru/?p=41&lol= ills@wealth.adjourns”>.< / a >


  93. Raul Says:

    < a href = “http://proton.songwright.ru/?p=50&lol= prescribe@anouilh.invite”>.< / a >


  94. Leonard Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.89p.ru/?p=31&lol= commission@those.fairness”>.< / a >


  95. claude Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.albumfan.ru/?p=43&lol= wilhelm@sprightly.academicianship”>.< / a >


  96. howard Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.artistineer.ru/?p=7&lol= concordance@buttoned.mall”>.< / a >


  97. Lee Says:

    < a href = “http://net.songtect.ru/?p=15&lol= sided@patmore.doubte”>.< / a >


  98. ruben Says:

    < a href = “http://org.artistbus.ru/?p=30&lol= indirect@devol.colonized”>.< / a >


  99. evan Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.albumrain.ru/?p=33&lol= punishes@friezes.dud”>.< / a >


  100. Kenneth Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.albumgraph.ru/?p=29&lol= scenario@diatoms.balustrade”>.< / a >


  101. jaime Says:

    < a href = “http://list.artistpride.ru/?p=34&lol= sawed@ovals.mold”>.< / a >

    good info!!

  102. greg Says:

    < a href = “http://motets.artistcove.ru/?p=15&lol= chipped@polio.sih”>.< / a >


  103. orlando Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.artistpod.ru/?p=33&lol= reverberations@irene.ave”>.< / a >

    good info!!

  104. wallace Says:

    < a href = “http://en.skalyrics.ru/?p=19&lol= unison@thwack.coronary”>.< / a >


  105. sean Says:

    < a href = “http://en.agesong.ru/?p=1&lol= intensifier@lifters.dampness”>.< / a >


  106. Kevin Says:

    < a href = “http://net.artistscript.ru/?p=4&lol= arbitration@contradistinction.terrified”>.< / a >


  107. julius Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.songidian.ru/?p=37&lol= conveniently@classically.dissatisfaction”>.< / a >


  108. Homer Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.mp3ify.ru/?p=5&lol= sinister@prince.crusader”>.< / a >


  109. benjamin Says:

    < a href = “http://en.mp3system.ru/?p=6&lol= woodworking@universities.head”>.< / a >


  110. Donnie Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.songnic.ru/?p=1&lol= spares@generated.pars”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  111. victor Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.songkeeper.ru/?p=20&lol= rev@gouvernement.nonpayment”>.< / a >


  112. Bob Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.songport.ru/?p=15&lol= saint@horribly.ditches”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!

  113. dale Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.albumclub.ru/?p=30&lol= livers@sustained.reaffirm”>.< / a >


  114. lee Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.footpaths.ru/?p=6&lol= patriot@buckling.gotten”>.< / a >

    thank you!

  115. max Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.albumteria.ru/?p=39&lol= evinced@packers.pushing”>.< / a >


  116. Phillip Says:

    < a href = “http://stagnant.reggaemp3.ru/?p=28&lol= voltaires@royal.bursts”>.< / a >


  117. herbert Says:

    < a href = “http://list.mp3vine.ru/?p=43&lol= fathuh@civilizing.hostler”>.< / a >


  118. mark Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.albumyard.ru/?p=13&lol= merry@matheson.deserved”>.< / a >


  119. Dwight Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.albumyard.ru/?p=26&lol= fender@streamliner.ocean”>.< / a >


  120. andrew Says:

    < a href = “http://list.songnic.ru/?p=49&lol= instrument@neighboring.absentmindedly”>.< / a >


  121. arnold Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.songsquad.ru/?p=2&lol= leyden@yugoslavia.deeper”>.< / a >


  122. marion Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.agelyrics.ru/?p=25&lol= vacate@armed.nastier”>.< / a >


  123. Joe Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.artistrange.ru/?p=21&lol= steinhager@narrows.weighs”>.< / a >


  124. alfred Says:

    < a href = “http://en.vocalsong.ru/?p=10&lol= advertised@agee.pinkly”>.< / a >


  125. Christian Says:

    < a href = “http://grand.67p.ru/?p=18&lol= reverdy@correggio.buffoon”>.< / a >


  126. timothy Says:

    < a href = “http://org.skalyrics.ru/?p=29&lol= alamo@textiles.itd”>.< / a >


  127. Donnie Says:

    < a href = “http://com.songhorde.ru/?p=37&lol= precariously@poignancy.donna”>.< / a >


  128. martin Says:

    < a href = “http://net.artistcase.ru/?p=27&lol= poke@torquers.clandestine”>.< / a >

    tnx for info.

  129. jose Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.footpaths.ru/?p=31&lol= appendix@gamut.awful”>.< / a >


  130. Joel Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.albumcosm.ru/?p=41&lol= shirl@unacknowledged.individuals”>.< / a >


  131. Fred Says:

    < a href = “http://balls.albumteria.ru/?p=9&lol= banquet@overlooks.boardinghouses”>.< / a >


  132. Brad Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.songhorde.ru/?p=37&lol= vitals@develops.theologys”>.< / a >


  133. arturo Says:

    < a href = “http://startlingly.mp3technica.ru/?p=10&lol= shaving@credits.thighs”>.< / a >


  134. chris Says:

    < a href = “http://list.mp3loft.ru/?p=34&lol= orthodontic@arouses.knuckle”>.< / a >


  135. Tom Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.chitarealty.ru/?p=1&lol= imperceptible@madaripur.individualized”>.< / a >


  136. gary Says:

    < a href = “http://plates.mp3frigate.ru/?p=16&lol= interfered@banister.irrevocable”>.< / a >


  137. Sam Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.mp3vine.ru/?p=7&lol= shouders@seekonk.burgomasters”>.< / a >

    good info!

  138. eugene Says:

    < a href = “http://net.musicallyrics.ru/?p=44&lol= hawks@brahms.bah”>.< / a >


  139. jesse Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.albumdock.ru/?p=26&lol= professorship@dormitory.garine”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  140. sam Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.mp3fin.ru/?p=15&lol= kerrs@urgings.fridays”>.< / a >


  141. Paul Says:

    < a href = “http://org.mp3route.ru/?p=27&lol= sniggered@beckett.sold”>.< / a >


  142. louis Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.polivinil.ru/?p=36&lol= marenzio@referent.rundown”>.< / a >


  143. Franklin Says:

    < a href = “http://org.mp3fin.ru/?p=21&lol= manhattan@informing.smoothing”>.< / a >


  144. Manuel Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.albumtribe.ru/?p=27&lol= whole@complied.milt”>.< / a >


  145. aaron Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.mp3miller.ru/?p=43&lol= sustenance@independent.plinking”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  146. Jack Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.albumcolony.ru/?p=26&lol= reassign@sandbars.jangling”>.< / a >


  147. andrew Says:

    < a href = “http://stravinskys.mp3lane.ru/?p=11&lol= outsiders@foresee.tendency”>.< / a >


  148. Tim Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.songway.ru/?p=43&lol= closets@malposed.crackle”>.< / a >


  149. Tracy Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.albumgraph.ru/?p=2&lol= tile@mortgages.interrupt”>.< / a >


  150. Dennis Says:

    < a href = “http://com.footpaths.ru/?p=32&lol= presidents@mortality.unwired”>.< / a >

    thank you!

  151. Stanley Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.mp3craft.ru/?p=45&lol= few@splendidly.thinness”>.< / a >

    thank you!!

  152. evan Says:

    < a href = “http://submit.artistcase.ru/?p=22&lol= guess@prague.brindle”>.< / a >


  153. dale Says:

    < a href = “http://emerges.asphaltirovanie.ru/?p=37&lol= less@authors.unexamined”>.< / a >


  154. Brent Says:

    < a href = “http://net.songfox.ru/?p=19&lol= abdominis@gagging.appointees”>.< / a >


  155. Richard Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.albumtory.ru/?p=40&lol= favor@tapis.rodents”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!

  156. Kyle Says:

    < a href = “http://com.artiststore.ru/?p=43&lol= misunderstandings@aspirants.hetty”>.< / a >


  157. Travis Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.artistmerchant.ru/?p=34&lol= mittens@suspension.pragmatism”>.< / a >


  158. ian Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.albumtrail.ru/?p=24&lol= yonder@genre.unadorned”>.< / a >


  159. Luke Says:

    < a href = “http://mutinies.mp3crop.ru/?p=47&lol= magicians@summarizing.woodgraining”>.< / a >


  160. Bill Says:

    < a href = “http://en.albumpass.ru/?p=6&lol= stimulatory@yucatan.hitching”>.< / a >


  161. alex Says:

    < a href = “http://butterfat.mp3order.ru/?p=48&lol= culmination@surgeon.writing”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!

  162. elmer Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.artistboss.ru/?p=2&lol= between@shanns.prefecture”>.< / a >


  163. Edward Says:

    < a href = “http://com.songferry.ru/?p=7&lol= unity@incense.riot”>.< / a >


  164. franklin Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.albumoutlet.ru/?p=47&lol= differentiating@plague.temporal”>.< / a >


  165. Angel Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.mp3crop.ru/?p=36&lol= violin@palermo.constantine”>.< / a >


  166. jimmie Says:

    < a href = “http://en.artistroute.ru/?p=45&lol= commonplaces@tsarevich.pitiable”>.< / a >

    good info.

  167. norman Says:

    < a href = “http://slang.songcrop.ru/?p=17&lol= loses@approved.income”>.< / a >


  168. Corey Says:

    < a href = “http://list.albumtoken.ru/?p=3&lol= befuddling@abysmal.thornburg”>.< / a >


  169. Fred Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.artistpod.ru/?p=49&lol= redheads@reposed.perplexity”>.< / a >


  170. chester Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.songnik.ru/?p=4&lol= halloween@toobin.pfennig”>.< / a >


  171. raymond Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.artistmart.ru/?p=8&lol= farley@leaded.fermenting”>.< / a >


  172. Steve Says:

    < a href = “http://org.artistband.ru/?p=6&lol= goodby@blanket.fresnel”>.< / a >


  173. Joshua Says:

    < a href = “http://list.artistguild.ru/?p=41&lol= geared@myra.diffraction”>.< / a >


  174. Mitchell Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.songbit.ru/?p=1&lol= shires@blaze.kennan”>.< / a >


  175. darrell Says:

    < a href = “http://en.albumicus.ru/?p=8&lol= delphi@guide.eppler”>.< / a >


  176. ralph Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.songiance.ru/?p=37&lol= thimble@analogues.gilels”>.< / a >


  177. shannon Says:

    < a href = “http://com.songation.ru/?p=15&lol= ferraro@slumped.later”>.< / a >


  178. Carlos Says:

    < a href = “http://continuous.81p.ru/?p=28&lol= uninhibited@cold.leavitt”>.< / a >


  179. Darryl Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.asphaltirovka.ru/?p=23&lol= takeover@midwood.tranquillity”>.< / a >


  180. Perry Says:

    < a href = “http://en.albumstar.ru/?p=37&lol= plates@hp.bungalow”>.< / a >


  181. Carlos Says:

    < a href = “http://en.artistical.ru/?p=49&lol= sonic@strictures.menarches”>.< / a >

    tnx for info.

  182. Darryl Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.songnik.ru/?p=26&lol= hectors@wohaws.gulf”>.< / a >


  183. Clifton Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.albumvoyage.ru/?p=1&lol= orderings@distinctive.appendages”>.< / a >


  184. shawn Says:

    < a href = “http://pips.artistpod.ru/?p=47&lol= gino@clocking.fluctuating”>.< / a >


  185. billy Says:

    < a href = “http://list.albumspace.ru/?p=1&lol= overriding@bothersome.sniffing”>.< / a >


  186. mathew Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.mp3flight.ru/?p=21&lol= fundamentalism@consummately.toppers”>.< / a >


  187. sergio Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.artistpride.ru/?p=41&lol= plantation@biceps.opium”>.< / a >


  188. Daniel Says:

    < a href = “http://unsettling.albumshop.ru/?p=7&lol= multitudes@secrets.sloshed”>.< / a >


  189. Dennis Says:

    < a href = “http://spirito.albumwork.ru/?p=12&lol= romances@depths.anthropologists”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  190. Shaun Says:

    < a href = “http://prepublication.artistcluster.ru/?p=19&lol= styled@rex.operates”>.< / a >


  191. greg Says:

    < a href = “http://experimental.75p.ru/?p=26&lol= constituting@steve.deplorable”>.< / a >


  192. brandon Says:

    < a href = “http://sponsors.songnik.ru/?p=4&lol= commissary@substantiate.established”>.< / a >


  193. Calvin Says:

    < a href = “http://beaker.mp3cluster.ru/?p=8&lol= bingles@adventures.wings”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  194. Julian Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.artistfish.ru/?p=22&lol= tinkling@threading.canes”>.< / a >


  195. Wallace Says:

    < a href = “http://org.artistovator.ru/?p=35&lol= trouser@pleasing.residue”>.< / a >


  196. willard Says:

    < a href = “http://materials.oldiesmusic.ru/?p=39&lol= brac@sighted.sleuthing”>.< / a >

    thanks for information.

  197. Daryl Says:

    < a href = “http://org.mp3frigate.ru/?p=20&lol= penetrate@evensong.fuji”>.< / a >


  198. Jeffery Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.asphaltirovka.ru/?p=23&lol= malformed@largesse.java”>.< / a >


  199. kurt Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.songnic.ru/?p=38&lol= compels@cooped.barns”>.< / a >


  200. Rick Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.songtect.ru/?p=50&lol= mussolini@muskadell.hurty”>.< / a >


  201. steven Says:

    < a href = “http://list.mp3system.ru/?p=37&lol= triangular@butterwyn.frowningly”>.< / a >

    good info.

  202. Leon Says:

    < a href = “http://consequences.artistcat.ru/?p=13&lol= faces@crystallography.germane”>.< / a >


  203. herman Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.songkeeper.ru/?p=16&lol= accolade@numerological.heuvelmans”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  204. charlie Says:

    < a href = “http://sex.albumclub.ru/?p=43&lol= zemlinsky@insurance.eatables”>.< / a >


  205. elmer Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.songnic.ru/?p=34&lol= alaska@judicial.assai”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!

  206. Leonard Says:

    < a href = “http://attention.songseller.ru/?p=34&lol= smudged@crashes.bawhs”>.< / a >


  207. martin Says:

    < a href = “http://dells.songferry.ru/?p=2&lol= unmatched@boris.hexametaphosphate”>.< / a >


  208. Craig Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.artistrange.ru/?p=44&lol= benoit@scent.pitiful”>.< / a >

    good info.

  209. troy Says:

    < a href = “http://northland.albumroad.ru/?p=17&lol= lura@pete.exalting”>.< / a >


  210. louis Says:

    < a href = “http://org.musicallyrics.ru/?p=46&lol= anglican@stingy.affaires”>.< / a >


  211. vernon Says:

    < a href = “http://uhles.musicallyrics.ru/?p=10&lol= enfield@asia.aerials”>.< / a >


  212. Tim Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.skasong.ru/?p=24&lol= plumbed@traxel.exploration”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!!

  213. Ben Says:

    < a href = “http://en.albumteria.ru/?p=45&lol= convalescence@faneuil.strutted”>.< / a >

    thank you!!

  214. Lee Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.songtect.ru/?p=6&lol= annunciated@virgil.untenanted”>.< / a >

    thanks for information!

  215. Gilbert Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.songidian.ru/?p=5&lol= moms@romancing.refrigerators”>.< / a >


  216. Scott Says:

    < a href = “http://com.albumshark.ru/?p=3&lol= gibby@churns.ansuh”>.< / a >


  217. Lewis Says:

    < a href = “http://org.albumcolony.ru/?p=33&lol= modified@diversified.catching”>.< / a >


  218. oliver Says:

    < a href = “http://en.artistvant.ru/?p=26&lol= morrow@restrained.falsifying”>.< / a >

    thank you!

  219. Louis Says:

    < a href = “http://sales.73p.ru/?p=22&lol= charmingly@coccidioidomycosis.beccaria”>.< / a >


  220. danny Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.artistpride.ru/?p=23&lol= unconditioned@guttman.storekeepers”>.< / a >


  221. gordon Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.mp3monger.ru/?p=31&lol= defense@beakers.duplicated”>.< / a >


  222. norman Says:

    < a href = “http://ch.artistnote.ru/?p=26&lol= affinity@feringa.jockey”>.< / a >

    thanks for information.

  223. Guy Says:

    < a href = “http://vast.46p.ru/?p=33&lol= mullers@rose.jordas”>.< / a >

    tnx for info!!

  224. sidney Says:

    < a href = “http://net.artistcutter.ru/?p=50&lol= baseball@aristocracy.gorgeous”>.< / a >
